Monday, March 15, 2010

Makeup Websites Brings Mineral Makeup Brands Together

Makeup Websites Brings Mineral Makeup Brands Together

If the best mineral makeup brand were easy to find, or if consumers all thought one makeup brand was the best, than there wouldn’t be a need for so many makeup or mineral makeup brands, right? Um… no. It’s just not that simple, so we’re here to help you find the best mineral makeup information and resources websites.

First is the new Mineral Makeup News website and makeup brands reviews blog. We’re not sure where their original blog was, but we know their new one is updated often, and makeup companies, mineral makeup companies etc that email them add their information and sales, so this is a handy website.

Makeup News is a relatively new website but their Makeup and Cosmetics News Twitter posts are up to the minute with makeup and cosmetics brands news from around the globe. Some companies I’d never heard of but they have it all.

Mineral Makeup Reviews Organization is one of the few makeup and mineral makeup reviews websites that we have seen that it’s full of affiliate pictures trying to get you to buy other brands on other sites to make a buck like the rest of the makeup and mineral makeup blogs and review sites we’ve been to.

The Mineral Makeup Resource website is another makeup blog site that seems to be getting going, but is sure to be a place for anyone needing quick facts on ingredients, products, brands, reviews, etc.

The Mineral Makeup Company website also has a blog set up, but their main site sells several different brands of mineral makeup, makeup, skin care, and other cosmetics. They do have off site affiliates to shop, but when offering site only discounts a sign up is worth it.

Rouge is the Proctor and Gamble makeup, skin care, and beauty magazine, it comes free, all you have to do is sign up for mail or newsletter service. We get it monthly and love it, free makeup coupons too.

The Global Cosmetics Network website just opened their blog. This site is still in the works, under our ownership as several others are, but we have had a nice buy-out offer, so just might be selling it soon. But do check it out as we try to keep the blog updated as well as the links for makeup brands around the globe.

Didn’t see alot in the way of Google makeup news, and never mineral makeup news since they stopped using news websites and started using cosmetic blog sites for news. No offense google, but um? Blogs news is just women talking, how about in-cosmetics for real cosmetics news :) :) and we do miss the Examiner Mineral Makeup News in the google news.

Whether you want to know what’s going on with MAC Cosmetics, Loreal, Estee Lauder, Boots in the UK, or Covergirl in the US, the above makeup resource websites will have the beauty brand information you need with maybe just a little Celebrity makeup looks and hoards of makeup application advice.

With permission - The Cosmetic Chemist Rae Kat Switzer

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